CASE STUDY: Regular Student Uncovers the "Idiot Proof" Way to Get 52,984+ Targeted Visitors and Make $3,322 PER WEEK in the Process Using a Little-Known "Traffic Packs" Method...

CASE STUDY: Regular Student Uncovers the "Idiot Proof" Way to Get 52,984+ Targeted Visitors and Make $3,322 PER WEEK in the Process Using a Little-Known "Traffic Packs" Method...

WARNING: Your Traffic Knowledge is MOST LIKELY Outdated for 2018. Read On For How to Solve This...

WARNING: Your Traffic Knowledge is MOST LIKELY Outdated for 2018. Read On For How to Solve This...

... And how you can set up as many passive traffic packs as you like, with as little as 20-30 minutes per day!

... And how you can set up as many passive traffic packs as you like, with as little as 20-30 minutes per day!

  • FREE and CHEAP traffic using this traffic source - we shot you how to get both!
  • Fresh Case Study - Passive traffic for ANY sort of business
  • The NEW Way of Generating Traffic
  • Solve Your Traffic Problem for Good in Affiliate Marketing, Ecommerce and For Anything Else You Need Traffic For
  • No Prior Experience Needed
  • Complete Step-by-Step System
  • 100% Newbie Friendly - Easy to Set Up
  • Works in ANY Niche!
  • FREE and CHEAP traffic using this traffic source - we shot you how to get both!
  • Fresh Case Study - Passive traffic for ANY sort of business
  • The NEW Way of Generating Traffic
  • Solve Your Traffic Problem for Good in Affiliate Marketing, Ecommerce and For Anything Else You Need Traffic For
  • No Prior Experience Needed
  • Complete Step-by-Step System
  • 100% Newbie Friendly - Easy to Set Up
  • Works in ANY Niche!

"But Does This Traffic Method Bring in Consistent Results EVERY WEEK?"

"But Does This Traffic Method Bring in Consistent Results EVERY WEEK?"

The methods of generating targeted traffic have CHANGED.

The old ways of doing it are dead...

The methods of generating targeted traffic have CHANGED.

The old ways of doing it are dead...

This new method does NOT involve:

This new method does NOT involve:

Heck yes it does!

Heck yes it does!

"That's Cool... But Are Your Students Getting Similar Results?"

"That's Cool... But Are Your Students Getting Similar Results?"

YES! My students are making money from this method...

(This is how much traffic and sales they're getting in OTHER niches!)

YES! My students are making money from this method...

(This is how much traffic and sales they're getting in OTHER niches!)

FINALLY - How to Turn $10 into HUNDREDS of Dollars/week on Repeat With NO LIMITS to How Many "Traffic Packs" You Can Set Up...

FINALLY - How to Turn $10 into HUNDREDS of Dollars/week on Repeat With NO LIMITS to How Many "Traffic Packs" You Can Set Up...

From the desks of:

Soufian Chalouh, Stefan Ciancio & Mehdi Tihani

From the desks of:

Soufian Chalouh, Stefan Ciancio & Mehdi Tihani

Hey there, Soufian here with my partners Stefan and Mehdi. 

This started out as a little experiment for me. I was sick of how long it took to generate targeted traffic.

I tried everything. Spent thousands on Facebook ads and Google Adwords... nothing worked. I knew I had to get creative to generate targeted traffic.

Then, the experiment happened.

I spent about $10-20 on each of these "traffic packs" that took only a few minutes to set up, and over the course of that week, I was able to bring in 1000+ visitors and best of all, $1,700 in my pocket.

Yes, I was able to turn $20 into $1,700!

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the massive potential of this method. One little "traffic pack" makes me $1,700/week, and now I have many running.

When I saw how great it worked, I began teaching a few students.

All my students are making money... That's when I knew I was sitting on a goldmine.

And today, I'm finally releasing this method to the world so that YOU can get similar results.

It doesn't get much easier than this, especially for someone with limited time and limited budget. The potential of this method is absolutely unlimited...

Hey there, Soufian here with my partners Stefan and Mehdi. 

This started out as a little experiment for me. I was sick of how long it took to generate targeted traffic.

I tried everything. Spent thousands on Facebook ads and Google Adwords... nothing worked. I knew I had to get creative to generate targeted traffic.

Then, the experiment happened.

I spent about $10-20 on each of these "traffic packs" that took only a few minutes to set up, and over the course of that week, I was able to bring in 1000+ visitors and best of all, $1,700 in my pocket.

Yes, I was able to turn $20 into $1,700!

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the massive potential of this method. One little "traffic pack" makes me $1,700/week, and now I have many running.

When I saw how great it worked, I began teaching a few students.

All my students are making money... That's when I knew I was sitting on a goldmine.

And today, I'm finally releasing this method to the world so that YOU can get similar results.

It doesn't get much easier than this, especially for someone with limited time and limited budget. The potential of this method is absolutely unlimited...

Here's the Truth: My "Timeless", On-Demand Traffic Strategy is the BEST Way to Bring in Tons of Targeted Visitors and Make Money Online in 2018...

Here's the Truth: My "Timeless", On-Demand Traffic Strategy is the BEST Way to Bring in Tons of Targeted Visitors and Make Money Online in 2018...

Each "traffic pack" you set up acts to bring you thousands of visitors QUICKLY, in an effort to save you from slow, unreliable Google traffic or expensive Facebook ads.

Imagine having one "pack" that brings you 500 visitors within a week and $700 in profit.

We have a few of these running... and we're building tons more.

The beauty is you can set up many of these "traffic packs" as you like... how many will you set up?

Are you seeing the power of this??

Wouldn't it be awesome to finally create a job-replacing income online? Imagine how happy you would be not having to wake up every morning to an alarm clock... free to do whatever you please.

What would you do with all the newly-earned online income?

Would you pay off old debts? Travel the world? Pay your kid's college tuition? Purchase your dream home?

Each "traffic pack" you set up acts to bring you thousands of visitors QUICKLY, in an effort to save you from slow, unreliable Google traffic or expensive Facebook ads.

Imagine having one "pack" that brings you 500 visitors within a week and $700 in profit.

We have a few of these running... and we're building tons more.

The beauty is you can set up many of these "traffic packs" as you like... how many will you set up?

Are you seeing the power of this??

Wouldn't it be awesome to finally create a job-replacing income online? Imagine how happy you would be not having to wake up every morning to an alarm clock... free to do whatever you please.

What would you do with all the newly-earned online income?

Would you pay off old debts? Travel the world? Pay your kid's college tuition? Purchase your dream home?

You and I both know that there are THREE reasons why you've landed on this page:

1. You don't have a HUGE budget to spend on paid traffic

2. You're struggling to get TARGETED visitors to your site / blog / offers

3. You're struggling to turn those visitors into money in your pocket!

If you're one of those people, then today is your lucky day.

Here's the sad truth about internet marketing.

You NEED targeted traffic to make any money online. It's the lifeblood of any online business. You already know this...

Unfortunately, most traffic methods are outdated, expensive or quite frankly suck.

Not only that, generating on-demand targeted traffic in ANY niche in 2018 is almost unheard of...

At least it used to be...

You and I both know that there are THREE reasons why you've landed on this page:

1. You don't have a HUGE budget to spend on paid traffic

2. You're struggling to get TARGETED visitors to your site / blog / offers

3. You're struggling to turn those visitors into money in your pocket!

If you're one of those people, then today is your lucky day.

Here's the sad truth about internet marketing.

You NEED targeted traffic to make any money online. It's the lifeblood of any online business. You already know this...

Unfortunately, most traffic methods are outdated, expensive or quite frankly suck.

Not only that, generating on-demand targeted traffic in ANY niche in 2018 is almost unheard of...

At least it used to be...

Let's be honest for a second...

Let's be honest for a second...

The good news is that our Timeless Traffic system requires ONLY 3 steps:

The good news is that our Timeless Traffic system requires ONLY 3 steps:

It's really that simple. But you have to have promise that you'll follow our exact steps that we teach... alright?


And just in case you thought that our "system" only works with just one niche... Or if you think it only worked for us and it was some "random luck" or isn't as effective right now as it used to be...

It's really that simple. But you have to have promise that you'll follow our exact steps that we teach... alright?


And just in case you thought that our "system" only works with just one niche... Or if you think it only worked for us and it was some "random luck" or isn't as effective right now as it used to be...



Apply our traffic packs method (select FREE or a simple $10 to start... your choice)

Apply our traffic packs method (select FREE or a simple $10 to start... your choice)



Generate 100% cheap targeted traffic with our EXCLUSIVE "timeless" strategy (We'll show you exactly how inside the members area)

Generate 100% cheap targeted traffic with our EXCLUSIVE "timeless" strategy (We'll show you exactly how inside the members area)

Watch your visitors & sales EXPLODE! Then, simply rinse and repeat as many times as you like with other "traffic packs"

Watch your visitors & sales EXPLODE! Then, simply rinse and repeat as many times as you like with other "traffic packs"



Check Out Some of My Students' RECENT Results Using the "Timeless Traffic" System:

Proof updated as of May 2018

Check Out Some of My Students' RECENT Results Using the "Timeless Traffic" System:

Proof updated as of May 2018



  • The brand new case study showing Soufian's Timeless Traffic method to the world
  • The new solution to FREE and CHEAP traffic in any niche (the traffic source works well for both)
  • As everything changes over the years, this WON'T! That's why this is a must-have
  • Step-by-Step video series with real case studies made super easy to follow
  • Even teaches the right way to monetize the traffic and make money
  • Works for anything you're struggling to get traffic to... and even helps you set up new passive profit streams if you're new
  • No longer will you be a prisoner to slow SEO traffic or outdated expensive paid traffic methods!
  • The brand new case study showing Soufian's Timeless Traffic method to the world
  • The new solution to FREE and CHEAP traffic in any niche (the traffic source works well for both)
  • As everything changes over the years, this WON'T! That's why this is a must-have
  • Step-by-Step video series with real case studies made super easy to follow
  • Even teaches the right way to monetize the traffic and make money
  • Works for anything you're struggling to get traffic to... and even helps you set up new passive profit streams if you're new
  • No longer will you be a prisoner to slow SEO traffic or outdated expensive paid traffic methods!

Seriously - There's NEVER Been a More "Evergreen" Way to Get TONS of Targeted FREE & Cheap Traffic and Profit from it Each Month!

Seriously - There's NEVER Been a More "Evergreen" Way to Get TONS of Targeted FREE & Cheap Traffic and Profit from it Each Month!

- No more feeling trapped by slow SEO traffic or expensive paid traffic...

- No more feeling like you don't know how to set up easy, passive profit streams...

- No more feeling like you need a different traffic strategy for each niche... (this works in ALL niches!)

- No more falling victim to another scammy product...

- No more dodgy methods that don't show each step in detail...

- No more slaving hours each day hoping to make SOMETHING work...

- No more chasing the "golden goose" that you never catch... like risking it all in the crypto markets...

- No more feeling trapped by slow SEO traffic or expensive paid traffic...

- No more feeling like you don't know how to set up easy, passive profit streams...

- No more feeling like you need a different traffic strategy for each niche... (this works in ALL niches!)

- No more falling victim to another scammy product...

- No more dodgy methods that don't show each step in detail...

- No more slaving hours each day hoping to make SOMETHING work...

- No more chasing the "golden goose" that you never catch... like risking it all in the crypto markets...

Your Days of Failing Online are Officially Over!

Your Days of Failing Online are Officially Over!

This is NOT Pinterest... This is NOT SEO...

This is NOT FB Ads...

And it's NOT Instagram Ads... It's NOT Solo Ads... It's NOT Chatbots...


This is NOT Pinterest... This is NOT SEO...

This is NOT FB Ads...

And it's NOT Instagram Ads... It's NOT Solo Ads... It's NOT Chatbots...


Timeless Traffic is So Easy That Your Typical Average Person Can Make This Work!

Timeless Traffic is So Easy That Your Typical Average Person Can Make This Work!

Here's What You're Getting Today:

Here's What You're Getting Today:

"Timeless Traffic" Step-by-Step System (VALUE $127)

"Timeless Traffic" Step-by-Step System (VALUE $127)

PLUS You'll Also Get These EXCLUSIVE BONUSES for

Fast Action-Takers...

PLUS You'll Also Get These EXCLUSIVE BONUSES for

Fast Action-Takers...

BONUS #1: 30,000+ FREE Visitors Case Study

(VALUE $297)

BONUS #1: 30,000+ FREE Visitors Case Study

(VALUE $297)

Get access to our exclusive case study to show you how to add an additional 30,000+ visitors per month to your new-found traffic... and these are 100% FREE visitors and it also works in any niche. Perfect complement for what you learn inside Timeless Traffic.

Get access to our exclusive case study to show you how to add an additional 30,000+ visitors per month to your new-found traffic... and these are 100% FREE visitors and it also works in any niche. Perfect complement for what you learn inside Timeless Traffic.

BONUS #3: InstaCash System

(VALUE $97)

BONUS #3: InstaCash System

(VALUE $97)

BONUS #5: Stefan's EXCLUSIVE Facebook Mastermind Access

(VALUE $97)

BONUS #5: Stefan's EXCLUSIVE Facebook Mastermind Access

(VALUE $97)

All That You're Getting Today is

EASILY Worth Hundreds of Dollars!

All That You're Getting Today is

EASILY Worth Hundreds of Dollars!

14-Day "No-Questions Asked" Money-Back Guarantee

14-Day "No-Questions Asked" Money-Back Guarantee

Plus you're covered by our 14-Day "No-Questions Asked" Money-Back Guarantee.

Try out Timeless Traffic. If for whatever reason you feel it's not for you, then just let us know and we'll refund your money. That's how confident we are in what we teach.

Plus you're covered by our 14-Day "No-Questions Asked" Money-Back Guarantee.

Try out Timeless Traffic. If for whatever reason you feel it's not for you, then just let us know and we'll refund your money. That's how confident we are in what we teach.

You've seen all the proof...

Timeless Traffic just plain WORKS!

You've seen all the proof...

Timeless Traffic just plain WORKS!

After the special discount period, the price goes up to $27

(Do you want to pay that much? Or...)

After the special discount period, the price goes up to $27

(Do you want to pay that much? Or...)

Grab Your Copy Today for:

Grab Your Copy Today for:

To your success,

To your success,

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this involve Free or Paid Traffic?

The benefit is that this traffic source works for BOTH. Soufian and his students leverage this traffic source for profits from both FREE and cheap paid traffic. He shows you how to get FREE traffic and even scale up fast spending a small additional $10-20.

Do I need any tech skills or prior experience to make this work?

Not at all. All you need is a computer or laptop with internet connection to watch our training and start seeing results!

When can I expect to see results?

It differs for each person. The quicker you implement my steps, the faster you reap the rewards. It really depends on how much you want this to work for you.

How can Timeless Traffic benefit me?

Not only will it help you get more targeted visitors to your website, blog or offers, it will also help you earn PASSIVE commission from that traffic! This system was created so that it is sustainable.

Will this work in ANY niche?

Absolutely. Whether you're in the natural health niche or the dog training niche, this will 100% work for you assuming you follow our exact steps. Period.

Will this method get oversaturated?

Never - because the internet is so vast that there's more than enough traffic to be had and with all the niches out there, saturation will never be an issue.

Are there any One-Time Offers or Upsells after I order?

Yes - currently we are offering a few of our upgrade packages at an amazing discount. Having said that, these are optional and will not prevent you from making this work. But we do recommend you taking advantage of them because they are of such great value.

What if I have any other questions?

This rarely happens because of how "in-depth" my training is, BUT we are willing to answer any questions you have with our support email exclusive for members of the program.

Does this involve Free or Paid Traffic?

The benefit is that this traffic source works for BOTH. Soufian and his students leverage this traffic source for profits from both FREE and cheap paid traffic. He shows you how to get FREE traffic and even scale up fast spending a small additional $10-20.

Do I need any tech skills or prior experience to make this work?

Not at all. All you need is a computer or laptop with internet connection to watch our training and start seeing results!

When can I expect to see results?

It differs for each person. The quicker you implement my steps, the faster you reap the rewards. It really depends on how much you want this to work for you.

How can Timeless Traffic benefit me?

Not only will it help you get more targeted visitors to your website, blog or offers, it will also help you earn PASSIVE commission from that traffic! This system was created so that it is sustainable.

Will this work in ANY niche?

Absolutely. Whether you're in the natural health niche or the dog training niche, this will 100% work for you assuming you follow our exact steps. Period.

Will this method get oversaturated?

Never - because the internet is so vast that there's more than enough traffic to be had and with all the niches out there, saturation will never be an issue.

Are there any One-Time Offers or Upsells after I order?

Yes - currently we are offering a few of our upgrade packages at an amazing discount. Having said that, these are optional and will not prevent you from making this work. But we do recommend you taking advantage of them because they are of such great value.

What if I have any other questions?

This rarely happens because of how "in-depth" my training is, BUT we are willing to answer any questions you have with our support email exclusive for members of the program.


Upon purchasing Timeless Traffic, you will be added to the marketing email newsletters of Stefan Ciancio and Mehdi Tihani. This will include content updates and promotional material. You may unsubscribe at any time in compliance with CAN-SPAM policies.

Support - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - Cookie Policy - Earnings Disclaimer


Upon purchasing Timeless Traffic, you will be added to the marketing email newsletters of Stefan Ciancio and Mehdi Tihani. This will include content updates and promotional material. You may unsubscribe at any time in compliance with CAN-SPAM policies.

Support - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - Cookie Policy - Earnings Disclaimer

This works in virtually ANY business you're in!

This works in virtually ANY business you're in!

The traffic methods of the past are outdated and simply DON'T WORK ANYMORE. Read on so you don't fall behind...

The traffic methods of the past are outdated and simply DON'T WORK ANYMORE. Read on so you don't fall behind...

Now... are YOU ready to get these kinds of results?

Now... are YOU ready to get these kinds of results?

Student #1 Success Story: Kawtar C.

18 year-old student makes 2,574.17 euros doing this part-time!

Student #1 Success Story: Kawtar C.

18 year-old student makes 2,574.17 euros doing this part-time!

Student #2 Success Story: Othmane Ziani

Turned 20 bucks into $1,361.07 in his first 30 days!

Student #2 Success Story: Othmane Ziani

Turned 20 bucks into $1,361.07 in his first 30 days!

Student #3 Success Story: Bouaza B.

Made $31,088 in 8 months!

Student #3 Success Story: Bouaza B.

Made $31,088 in 8 months!

  • Expensive clicks: we show you how to get 100% FREE TRAFFIC using this method as well as CHEAP clicks to scale up super fast!
  • Tedious Blogging or Product Creation
  • Waiting Years to Rank on Google's First Page
  • Big Ad Budget (Only need a few bucks to start)
  • Unproven Theory (Real money being made!)
  • Risky Cryptocurrency Investments
  • Expensive clicks: we show you how to get 100% FREE TRAFFIC using this method as well as CHEAP clicks to scale up super fast!
  • Tedious Blogging or Product Creation
  • Waiting Years to Rank on Google's First Page
  • Big Ad Budget (Only need a few bucks to start)
  • Unproven Theory (Real money being made!)
  • Risky Cryptocurrency Investments

And yes, this traffic works PERFECT for skyrocketing results with:

And yes, this traffic works PERFECT for skyrocketing results with:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Ecom Stores (Shopify, Amazon, Etsy, etc)
  • Niche Sites (Google Adsense)
  • CPA Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Ecom Stores (Shopify, Amazon, Etsy, etc)
  • Niche Sites (Google Adsense)
  • CPA Marketing
  • List Building
  • Print on Demand
  • Video Marketing
  • Digital Products
  • List Building
  • Print on Demand
  • Video Marketing
  • Digital Products

Soufian Chalouh, Stefan Ciancio & Mehdi Tihani

Soufian Chalouh, Stefan Ciancio & Mehdi Tihani

Click Play: Watch this Short Video for Student Proof and Quick Overview!

Click Play: Watch this Short Video for Student Proof and Quick Overview!

BONUS #2: 4-Hour $1M+ Ecom Training

(VALUE $497)

BONUS #2: 4-Hour $1M+ Ecom Training

(VALUE $497)

It's rare to get access to a 4-hour live training from a verified 7-figure marketer, and that's exactly what you're getting with this bonus. This was a PAID webinar, but you'll get it 100% free when you join today. Tons of golden nuggets that will teach you how to scale and monetize all the traffic you'll be getting from Timeless Traffic.

It's rare to get access to a 4-hour live training from a verified 7-figure marketer, and that's exactly what you're getting with this bonus. This was a PAID webinar, but you'll get it 100% free when you join today. Tons of golden nuggets that will teach you how to scale and monetize all the traffic you'll be getting from Timeless Traffic.

Does FREE traffic still exist? You bet it does. As a Timeless Traffic member, you'll get Mehdi's InstaCash System he's used to make sales from Instagram using 100% FREE traffic. This is something NOBODY is teaching or doing on Instagram, and it still works to this day. A priceless bonus for a creative way to monetize the targeted traffic you'll be getting.

Does FREE traffic still exist? You bet it does. As a Timeless Traffic member, you'll get Mehdi's InstaCash System he's used to make sales from Instagram using 100% FREE traffic. This is something NOBODY is teaching or doing on Instagram, and it still works to this day. A priceless bonus for a creative way to monetize the targeted traffic you'll be getting.

BONUS #4: Twitter Traffic Profits Boost 

(VALUE $127)

BONUS #4: Twitter Traffic Profits Boost 

(VALUE $127)

This never before released course will show you how to get steady, rapid traffic from Twitter the easiest way possible. Most people have no idea how to utilize Twitter for business, but when you get Timeless Traffic today, you'll have ANOTHER advantage over your competitors.

This never before released course will show you how to get steady, rapid traffic from Twitter the easiest way possible. Most people have no idea how to utilize Twitter for business, but when you get Timeless Traffic today, you'll have ANOTHER advantage over your competitors.

Join newbies and advanced marketers alike in our exclusive mastermind group. See other's success, learn from it, apply it for yourself and profit big. Without this mastermind group, you'll be able to access us directly and ask us any questions while going through the Timeless Traffic system.

Join newbies and advanced marketers alike in our exclusive mastermind group. See other's success, learn from it, apply it for yourself and profit big. Without this mastermind group, you'll be able to access us directly and ask us any questions while going through the Timeless Traffic system.

THE BAD NEWS: Traffic methods are always changing...

In fact, your traffic knowledge is MOST LIKELY outdated...

That's what makes this so special... because Soufian's strategy is TIMELESS...

Meaning once you know it, it will work REGARDLESS of any other changes... seriously!

This means...

NO MORE waiting years for Google to bring you a trickle of traffic...

NO MORE paying $1 per visitor...

THE BAD NEWS: Traffic methods are always changing...

In fact, your traffic knowledge is MOST LIKELY outdated...

That's what makes this so special... because Soufian's strategy is TIMELESS...

Meaning once you know it, it will work REGARDLESS of any other changes... seriously!

This means...

NO MORE waiting years for Google to bring you a trickle of traffic...

NO MORE paying $1 per visitor...

Timeless Traffic
Timeless Traffic
Timeless Traffic
Timeless Traffic
Timeless Traffic